An Interview With Barry Pollack, Julian Assange's US Lawyer Pollack outlines why the U.S. government's position in the case against Assange is a "very dangerous one."
Julian Assange's Extradition Case: Previewing A Major Three-Week Hearing Assange's legal team will likely present testimony from witnesses to show he is the target of a political prosecution. It begins September 7.
Dissenter Weekly: Group Challenges EPA's Trump Propaganda Plus, EMS whistleblower in Minnesota objects to police use of ketamine on arrestees
Ahead Of Major Assange Hearing, UK Court Urged To Ensure Press Access Global COVID-19 pandemic will likely prevent dozens of journalists from covering proceeding if court does not take action to provide live video to press
The Freakout Over Trump Considering A Pardon For NSA Whistleblower Edward Snowden Elites reacted in a way that reflects their deep-seated prejudice toward Snowden's whistleblowing, which exposed global mass surveillance
Dissenter Weekly: Give Federal Whistleblowers The Rights They Deserve Plus, a police whistleblower in Phoenix was put on a Brady list for dishonest cops