Assange Extradition Hearing Halted As COVID-19 Spikes In United Kingdom A member of the prosecution team was potentially exposed to COVID-19. Proceedings were put on hold until September 14.
Trump's 'War On Journalism' Takes Center Stage At Julian Assange's Extradition Hearing On Day 3, the court heard from Trevor Timm, the executive director of the Freedom of the Press Foundation
Julian Assange's Legal Team Focuses On US Torture And War Crimes Exposed By WikiLeaks On Day 2 of Julian Assange's extradition hearing, his legal team called Clive Stafford Smith, a human rights attorney who has represented Guantanamo Bay prisoners, to the witness stand.
Judge Railroads Assange As Legal Team Objects To Fresh Extradition Request Report from Day 1 of trial portion of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange's extradition hearing
An Interview With Barry Pollack, Julian Assange's US Lawyer Pollack outlines why the U.S. government's position in the case against Assange is a "very dangerous one."
Julian Assange's Extradition Case: Previewing A Major Three-Week Hearing Assange's legal team will likely present testimony from witnesses to show he is the target of a political prosecution. It begins September 7.
Dissenter Weekly: Group Challenges EPA's Trump Propaganda Plus, EMS whistleblower in Minnesota objects to police use of ketamine on arrestees