What They Were Hiding: Increased Solitary Confinement In Immigrant Detention Facilities Tracking what U.S. government agencies do not want the public to know when they try to thwart Freedom of Information Act requests for records
'Terrorism Enhancement' Applied Against Ex-CIA Programmer For Leaking Represents A Stark Development A United States judge applied a “terrorism enhancement” when sentencing former CIA programmer Joshua Schulte, who was convicted of disclosing "Vault 7" materials to WikiLeaks.
Biden Justice Department Makes An Example Out Of IRS Whistleblower President Joe Biden's campaign seized on IRS whistleblower Charles Littlejohn's revelations about Trump's tax returns. Instead of honoring Littlejohn, the Justice Department sought one of the harshest prison sentences ever.
In Leak Prosecutions, US Government Treats Use Of Privacy Tools As Criminal Activity The following article was made possible by paid subscribers of The Dissenter. Become a subscriber and support independent journalism in defense of press freedom. In Espionage Act prosecutions involving leaks, attorneys at the United States (DOJ) consistently treat the use of privacy tools as evidence of criminality. This tendency should
Sixty Years Of ‘Dr. Strangelove’: A Nuclear War Planner On The Nightmare Comedy The nightmare comedy in Stanley Kubrick's masterpiece remains as razor-sharp as ever with the Doomsday Clock at 90 seconds to midnight.
Texas Drone Restrictions Opposed By Journalists Once Again Upheld By US Appeals Court A U.S. district court previously determined that the Texas drone restrictions were overbroad, underinclusive, and prone to arbitrary enforcement against journalists.