Unauthorized Disclosure: Subscriber Show For July 12

In this episode, which is available exclusively for subscribers, Kevin Gosztola asks Rania Khalek for her belated reaction to Julian Assange's release from prison. She was away on vacation when the Assange case ended.

Kevin and Rania also discuss another story that blew up during her vacation, which has not gone away: President Joe Biden's frailty and cognitive decline. They address the corruption within the Democratic Party and what this says about the United States and its (lack of) democracy.

Finally, Kevin concludes by sharing some clips from a documentary from German public broadcaster Deutsche Welle called "Julian Assange and the dark secrets of war."

Turkish journalist Can Dündar and Sarah Mabrouk co-directed the film, and they tracked down Sajad Salah Mutashar, the 10 year-old boy who was rescued by U.S. soldier Ethan McCord in the "Collateral Murder" video published by WikiLeaks. And they interviewed Ethan as well. It's incredibly powerful filmmaking.