Unauthorized Disclosure: Lara Witt and Maya Schenwar

The Movement Media Alliance is a newly-formed "coalition of grassroots-aligned social justice-driven journalism organizations." Each organization in the coalition is committed to growing support for "accurate, transparent, accountable, principled, and just media."

Joining the podcast to discuss the Movement Media Alliance and challenges for grassroots independent media is Lara Witt, the editor-in-chief for Prism, and Maya Schenwar, Truthout's editor-at-large. Both are co-founders of the Movement Media Alliance.

Kevin Gosztola talks with Lara and Maya about movement journalism and what exactly inspired the formation of this coalition. Why is it so difficult for grassroots independent media to find resources and funds?

Lara and Maya speak about collaborations among media organizations in the coalition — Media Against Apartheid and Displacement and Communities Beyond Elections. Each coalition is counter particular narratives from the establishment press that negatively impact oppressed communities.

Later in the conversation, Lara and Maya unpack issues around misinformation or disinformation spread by the news media and balancing journalism with parenting in a society where child care is really expensive.