
Freedom Of Information: US Government Secrecy As Bad As It Was Under Trump
When it comes to the Freedom of Information Act, government secrecy under President Biden is just as bad or slightly worse than it was under President Trump.

Police Secrecy Hits A Snag After Florida Supreme Court Decision
The Florida Supreme Court rejected an effort by the state’s largest police union to prevent the disclosure of the names of officers involved in shootings.

Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders And The Lies She Spread About People 'Weaponizing FOIA'
Hiding travel records by changing the state's decades-old open records law

Secret Police: One Department In Virginia Is Trying To Hide The Names Of Most Officers
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A police department in Virginia has twisted the state’s freedom of information law to try and block the names of officers from being shared with OpenOversightVA, a group of volunteer researchers who maintain

Classification Reform Bill Would Give President, Security Agencies Even More Power To Maintain Secrets
The following article was made possible by paid subscribers. Support independent journalism on secrecy, whistleblowers, and press freedom. Subscribe and get a 30-day free trial.
For decades, the United States Congress has allowed the White House and the wider executive branch to assert control over classified information. Members of Congress

A Presumption Of Secrecy: Defying Sunshine In Government
In 2017, Bloomberg reporter Jason Leopold submitted a Freedom of Information request for “photographed copies of all artwork created by Guantanamo detainees.”
Leopold waited about five years before United States Southern Command, or SOUTHCOM, fulfilled the request. The joint command removed portions of hundreds of paintings, invoking an exemption for