Reality Winner

Responding To Critics: Reality Winner Talks Snowden, Trump Taking Classified Documents

Filmmakers Crowdfund To Finish Documentary On NSA Whistleblower Reality Winner
Filmmakers behind an independent documentary on NSA whistleblower Reality Winner have spent the past year struggling to secure distribution. They turned to Kickstarter in November to help them finish the film, and in a couple of weeks, they achieved their first fundraising goal.
Now, director Sonia Kennebeck and producer Ines
US Government Seeks Harshest Sentence Ever In Leak Case Against Drone Whistleblower
The sentencing memorandum from the U.S. government reflects the vindictive posture of US prosecutors, particularly since he pled guilty.
Mother Of NSA Whistleblower Reality Winner Describes Her Daughter's Release From Prison
Billie Winner-Davis, the mother of NSA whistleblower Reality Winner, shares details on her daughter's release from federal prison

James Risen's Appeal To Journalists To Protect Whistleblowers Skirts Accountability
After Ignoring Reality Winner, MSNBC Uses Her Whistleblower Case To Attack Snowden
MSNBC producers crafted a partisan and warped segment against one NSA whistleblower to justify giving air time to the mother of another NSA whistleblower