'If You're Reading This, It Means I Have Been Killed': Israeli Forces Massacre Two More Journalists Israeli military forces reportedly targeted and killed two Palestinian journalists based in Gaza—Mohammad Mansour and Hossam Shabat
No Other Film As Deserving Of An Oscar “No Other Land” filmmakers demonstrate great courage in the face of industry censorship, pervasive hopelessness, and risks to their freedom
CIA Analyst's Plea Deal Adds Further Intrigue To Espionage Act Prosecution Like most Espionage Act cases, Rahman’s ended in a plea agreement. But there are several unusual aspects to his case.
US Judge Upholds First Amendment, Dismisses Lawsuit Against Palestine Chronicle The lawsuit was brought by a former Israeli hostage.
Deported Palestinian American Journalist Says Swiss Ministry Of Defense Agents Tried To Interrogate Him "And that’s the moment I thought, does anyone know I’m here? I had no idea what was going on outside.”
Police In Switzerland Ban Then Detain Palestinian American Journalist In an act of repression, Zurich police detained Palestinian American journalist and author Ali Abunimah to block him from delivering a lecture
In Unprecedented Move, Judge Keeps CIA Employee Facing Espionage Act Charges In Jail The following article was made possible by paid subscribers of The Dissenter. Become a subscriber and support independent journalism on press freedom, whistleblowing, and government secrecy. On December 11, five days after Magistrate Judge Ivan Davis ordered accused CIA leaker Asif William Rahman to be released from jail, District Judge