Freedom Of Information Act
DOJ Spends Around $40 Million Every Year To Help Agencies Hide Records
The Dissenter reviewed FOIA litigation from the past fiscal year and focused on glaring instances where the Justice Department fought disclosure of information in the public interest.
Freedom Of Information: US Government Secrecy As Bad As It Was Under Trump
When it comes to the Freedom of Information Act, government secrecy under President Biden is just as bad or slightly worse than it was under President Trump.
What They Were Hiding: Increased Solitary Confinement In Immigrant Detention Facilities
Tracking what U.S. government agencies do not want the public to know when they try to thwart Freedom of Information Act requests for records
Fighting To Uncover Secrets Of the Cold War Surveillance State
Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders And The Lies She Spread About People 'Weaponizing FOIA'
Hiding travel records by changing the state's decades-old open records law
US Government Sued For Hiding Information On Afghan Refugees In Detention Camps
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The Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) and Muslim Advocates sued multiple United States government agencies that have refused to produce key information on thousands of Afghan refugees still living in limbo at secretive