Dissenter Weekly: US Energy Department Dynamites Radioactive Site Near Los Angeles
Plus, Associated Press detailed extensive criminal conduct by wardens in Bureau of Prisons, which despite the efforts of whistleblowers is brushed aside by the BOP.

In this edition of the "Dissenter Weekly," Kevin Gosztola covers the United States Energy Department's demolition of a Cold War-era radioactive site in California.
He draws attention to the extensive criminal conduct at the highest ranks of the U.S. Bureau of Prisons, which was recently detailed in an investigation by the Associated Press. Criminality goes unpunished when whistleblowers allege misconduct because wardens control disciplinary investigations.
The show also highlights the story of Sergeant Javier Esqueda, a police whistleblower in Illinois facing retaliatory criminal charges, who was expelled from his officers union.
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This Week's Stories
US Energy Department Blows Up Cold War-Era Radioactive Facility
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