The Contract Is Signed
The following is an exclusive update for paid subscribers of the Dissenter Newsletter.

This week I finally signed a contract with Seven Stories Press and Censored Press for the book I’m writing on WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange’s case.
On a professional level, it’s my first book contract. Reading through all the twisting and turning lines riddled with unnecessary jargon was on some level intimidating, but it was also validating.
Guilty of Journalism: The Political Prosecution of Julian Assange will be released in 2023. The book will be about 250-280 pages.
My final edit is due to the publisher in June. I’ll complete the last chapters for the book by the first week of May.
Mickey Huff and Andy Lee Roth at Project Censored have already shown me a lot of support over the past months. They will be there every step of the way to help me write the best book possible on the United States government’s prosecution of a journalist.
The details are not entirely worked out, but it looks like I will have discounted copies for paid subscribers of the Dissenter Newsletter when the book is released next year.
I’ve written chapters covering the charges against Assange and the CIA’s war on WikiLeaks. Next week I move on to Chelsea Manning’s court-martial and the grand jury investigation, which eventually led to Manning being jailed for a year after she refused to testify against Assange.
Thanks for all your patience during the first months of the year as I compile the book. By mid-May, reports from The Dissenter Newsletter should be more frequent.
Until then, please know I am extremely gracious to have paid subscribers like you who helped me get to the point where writing a book was possible.
Kevin Gosztola
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