Dissenter Weekly: Whistleblowers Help Shut Down Detention Center In Pennsylvania Where Child Abuse Occurred Plus, more on the record number of whistleblower retaliation complaints from workers during the COVID-19 pandemic
US Consumer Agency Investigates Tesla Whistleblower's Complaint Involving Solar Fires Tesla allegedly orchestrated a campaign of retaliation that resulted in Steven Henkes being fired after he complained about "defective and dangerous" solar power systems
Dissenter Weekly: Biden Accused Of Using Trump Rules To Fire Environmental Whistleblower Plus, whistleblowers in Pensylvania expose Shell pipeline's safety risks
Freedom Of Information Act In Crisis: Government Transparency In the Biden Era Sunshine Week (March 15-20) is an opportunity to take stock of the state of FOIA in the United States and renew the push for meaningful reform
Dissenter Weekly: In Attack On Freedom Of Expression, Congolese Whistleblowers Face Death Sentences Plus bank whistleblowers demand the US Justice Department bring charges against Credit Suisse for helping wealthy people dodge taxes
Google Employees Demand Whistleblower Protections After Retaliation Against AI Researchers "The existing legal infrastructure for whistleblowing at corporations developing technologies is wholly insufficient," according to Google Walkout For Real Change
Throughout The World, Very Few 'Legally Successful' Whistleblowers Are Made Whole Government Accountability Project and International Bar Association examine the state of whistleblower protection laws in 37 countries