'If You're Reading This, It Means I Have Been Killed': Israeli Forces Massacre Two More Journalists Israeli military forces reportedly targeted and killed two Palestinian journalists based in Gaza—Mohammad Mansour and Hossam Shabat
The Chaotic Release Of Long Sought After JFK Files Jefferson Morley, known for his reporting on the JFK assassination, called the publication of files a "breakthrough"
Dissenter Weekly: Trump And The Weaponization Of Distrust Toward US Media In this special edition of the "Dissenter Weekly," host Kevin Gosztola talks with Mickey Huff and Andy Lee Roth of Project Censored about how President Donald Trump's administration has weaponized distrust toward the news media establishment to further attacks on the press. Mickey is the director
No Other Film As Deserving Of An Oscar “No Other Land” filmmakers demonstrate great courage in the face of industry censorship, pervasive hopelessness, and risks to their freedom